Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why a Saturday mindset is bad for retirees

Your working life is like a long string of weekdays; your retirement is like a long string of weekends. And that’s a major reason why so many savers underestimate how much they’ll actually spend when they retire.

This metaphorically persuasive (if unscientific) explanation appeared this week in a piece by Corrie Driebusch in The Wall Street Journal in which financial pros discussed how they grapple with their clients’ sometimes unrealistic expectations. Driebusch describes her conversation with Jonathan Murray, a financial adviser with UBS Wealth Management Americas in suburban Baltimore, Md.:

“Many soon-to-be retirees assume that because they’re no longer commuting and purchasing clothes to wear at the office, they will spend less. But this is often not the case…To drive this point home, [Murray will] ask clients on what day of the week they spend the most money. The answer, he says, is nearly always the same: Saturday. In retirement, he tells clients, every day can be a Saturday.”

It makes sense on one level. Sure, during your working life, Saturday is the day you spend big on essentials like the weekly groceries and getting the lawnmower repaired, but it’s also the day you and the spouse might treat yourselves to a ballgame or a big night out. And as Encore contributor Glenn Ruffenach noted in a recent post, that kind of spending can add up quickly for retirees, even if they aren’t attacking the high-priced items on their bucket list.

The bottom line: What you’ll spend in retirement is a tough-to-predict figure, and you’ll need to consider it in detail—and probably, more than once—as retirement draws nearer.

Source:  Matthew Heimer, Market Watch

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 The Jacksonville Business Journal has ranked D2 Capital Management in the top 25 of Certified Financial Planners in Jacksonville.  The Firm is also a member of the Financial Planning Association of Northeast Florida, the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, the Southside Businessmen's Club, and the Beaches Business Association.

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