Sunday, September 9, 2012

Computer Security and Financial Records

Is your teenager or grandchild putting your financial security at risk online?

While it can be handy to have a tech-savvy younger person in the house, it also can make your financial and personal information less secure. The best and latest antivirus software won't help much if someone is downloading virus-laden computer games and fake iPad apps for "Fruit Ninja."

Kids often know the technology better, but they aren't necessarily more careful when they use it.

The more computer users there are in your home, the greater the need to take precautions—regardless of their sophistication.

Since kids can be cavalier when it comes to downloading, parents need to secure extra-strong antivirus protection.

Several studies conducted by Consumers Union in recent years found a correlation between households with people under age 18 and a larger incidence of computer viruses and other malware. Some 14% of home networks were infected with malware in the second quarter.

Many households have a computer with several users, or have wireless networks that all share the same router. This increases the risk that the computers will become infected with viruses, which can delete your files; adware, which triggers annoying pop-up windows; and spyware, which can track your keystrokes to steal your passwords, turn on a webcam remotely or cause other mischief.

Crucially, you need to keep your antivirus software up to date and set to run automatically. If you don't know whether your virus program is up to date, it probably isn't.

The most secure option is to keep all your sensitive financial records and irreplaceable documents and photos on a separate computer that only you have access to, and which you connect to the Internet only while transacting business online.

Remind household members of the hazards of downloading apps without first checking them out, or clicking on links in emails supposedly from banks, phone carriers or other entities claiming there is a problem with your account. These are likely to be phishing schemes intended to capture your passwords and personal information.

Newer phishing schemes include emails supposedly from your Internet or email provider warning that you have run out of storage space and will lose your files unless you take action immediately.

With household members using multiple devices, it's almost certain they all are connected to the Internet by a single wireless router. If your router isn't secure, your computer isn't secure, either.

Make sure it is password-protected. Without a password, neighbors or someone sitting in a car parked near your home can piggyback on your wireless, which can eat up bandwidth and cause your Internet browsing to slow to a crawl.

Source:  Ellen Schultz, Wall Street Journal

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